COVID-19 Lockdown Secrets | How To Make The Most Out Of This Time

We have come to a difficult time. From 23rd March 2020, as I am writing this, there are about 353,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases with about 15,000 deaths worldwide. And cases are increasing every day… I am sure you know about this. 

The government recommends that you should quarantine to protect your health and others’ health, specifically the vulnerable people such as the elderly or with underlying health conditions. But with my school being closed, I have a lot of free time in my hands at home so in today’s article, I will share with you many ideas of how you can make the most out of your time while quarantining. It is your choice on whether to follow these tips. Please avoid non-essential travel and avoid social gatherings.

Tip #1: Study

For those of you who still have exams in the future, you should still try your best to study. I know it is unfortunate to not have a teacher to help but do try your best. I am privileged to have teachers who set tasks while I am at home for each of my subjects every day so we are not falling behind. Do some revision but don’t stress.

Tip #2: Read a book

After having a productive day, instead of lounging straight into your bed and going on Netflix, I recommend that you enjoy some creativity with a good old book. If you don’t have many books at home, try finding online ebooks or if you want, subscribe to audiobooks like Audible or Kindle.

Tip #3: Watch movies

Yes, this is controversial to what I said before but after reading a chapter of the book, you may want to go and watch a show. It is fine to do this as long as you are allowed and have done your work but I still recommend not to be glued to a screen all day. We have better things to do.

Tip #4: Organise your room/house.

It is good to organise your room so you feel fresh and especially now that it is coronavirus time, it is useful to disinfect objects in your house, have a clean and also wash your hands regularly for twenty seconds.

Tip #5: Clean up your devices.

Update your phone and backup everything to make sure your information is safe. Delete any unnecessary photos and other apps you don’t need. This will make your phone and your devices feel brand new. 

Tip #6: Watch TED talks and documentaries.

This is the perfect time to develop yourself so I recommend watching some empowering relevant TED talks free on YouTube and gain knowledge. Truly, knowledge is power.

Tip #7: Practise self-care 

After lots of work, you may want to relax by putting on a face mask, getting your sleep and practising self-hygiene. It will make you feel refreshed. That me-time is important.

Tip #8: Produce content

We should hopefully, In Sha Allah survive this outbreak and come out of it as a stronger, developed person. In order to put ourselves out like that, we should produce content such as possibly starting a YouTube channel, starting your own website or creating an Instagram account about something that you are passionate about.

Tip #9: Talk to your family at home

If you and your family are at home and have nothing to do, talk to each other. As teenagers, it can get boring at home by ourselves without much social interaction so talk to your loved ones and have a chat. 

Tip #10: Call your friends

If you still feel bored at home, phone your friends rather than texting as it is better communication than texting where you can’t hear your friends’ voices. This will help you to express your feelings.

Tip #11: Learn new skills

Have you always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, apply henna or learn how to sing? Then do not fear, this is the time for you to subscribe to courses on Youtube or maybe even on websites like Skillshare or Udemy and learn something today.

Tip #12: Look outside the window.

Don’t be tempted to go outside. Just enjoy the weather from your window.

Tip #13: Have time for your hobby.

If you haven’t picked up your camera to make a video or played your guitar, relive those good memories and enjoy some time doing what you love to do. 

Tip #14: Exercise and eat well. 

You don’t necessarily need to go outside to have a good workout- just do some simple stretches or a workout at the comfort of your house (make sure you are careful though) and also stay healthy to boost your immune system. Drink lots of water. Remember, you are what you eat.

Tip #15: Pray

COVID-19 is concerning for all but do not worry. As a Muslim, I try to protect myself and others around me by washing my hands regularly and quarantining but also by asking help from Allah to protect all of us. Your mental health is important at this time and if you have issues with it, seek Allah’s help and also go to websites such as Kooth if you want someone to talk to. Overall, focus on yourself and your family’s well being.

I hope this article gave some insight into some ideas of things you can do at this time. I have also linked some sources for more information. 


As I said, I know this is a concerning time but do not be afraid, just protect yourself and focus on being positive and having hope that In Sha Allah the world will overcome this. If you enjoyed this article, please share it with your family and friends and check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day! Stay well!