8 Lessons From Prophet Shuaib (pbuh) / The Prophets Series of Ramadan 2020

And when Our command came, We saved Shu’ayb and those who believed with him, by mercy from Us. And the shriek seized those who had wronged, and they became within their homes [corpses] fallen prone (Qur’an 11:94)

Assalamu alaikum, fellow Muslims and non-Muslims. 

We may all know the importance of the Qur’an, the Holy Book written by Allah (swt). However, we may not necessarily follow the teachings of the Qur’an and follow the role models that were sent to the Earth to spread the word of Islam. In order to remind you of the important lessons taught by each of the significant prophets mentioned in the Qur’an, I will In Sha Allah, be starting a prophets series. This will contain lessons I learnt from each of the prophets. I am trying my best to In Sha Allah post every day of Ramadan about each prophet.

Today, we will talk about our tenth prophet, who is Shuaib (pbuh). If you would like to know the story, sources are available below. If I also make any mistakes, I apologise and Allah (swt) knows the best. 

Robbing and collecting tax from travellers is a big sin.

Shuaib’s people (the people of Ayka) used to do this which was sinful.

You are not allowed to cheat with measurement/in your business and lie to your customers about your products.

Again, the people of Ayka used to do this.

The five Arab prophets mentioned in the Qur’an are Hud, Salih, Shuaib, Ismail and Muhammad (pbut).

Shuaib (pbuh) was a good speaker and among these five prophets.

Your wealth is impure if you cheat in your business.

Shuaib (pbuh) told his people not to cheat in their businesses.

The stories of the prophets are examples to teach us of the punishments of when you disobey Allah (swt).

Shuaib (pbuh) reminded them of the previous prophets and warned them not to disobey Allah (swt).

Never challenge Allah to give you more tests or to send you a punishment.

This is extremely disadvantageous for you.

Surely, Allah (swt) is the One who you request justice from as He is merciful.

When Shuaib (pbuh) did not see any hope, he asked for justice from Allah (swt). 

You will surely get punishment for disbelieving in Allah.

Just like the disbelievers previously, the people of Ayka had to face a severe punishment which killed them all.

The disbelievers are always the losers.

You should not be a disbeliever of Allah (swt).

These were some of the lessons that I captured from Shuaib (pbuh). The story of Shuaib (pbuh) is beautifully said in this Youtube video which I used to create this article:

Please share this article with your family and friends to get some rewards this Ramadan. In Sha Allah, you will stay well.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!